11 years ago or thereabouts, I had my first child. I continued working for a few months after she was born, but it wasn't working, and I was lucky enough that I was in a position where I could stop to be a stay at home mum.
I went on to have a second child, and started an online business selling cloth nappies, but when I became pregnant with the third, I realised that there was no way I was going to be able to juggle the orders and a newborn, so the business was sold.
Since, then I have had a few hours here and there doing admin at the school, but that's about it.
Now, my youngest is starting proper school, and I need, and want, to sort a proper grown up job. I figured a blog about it was a good plan. I can't be the only woman in this position!
People recommend jobs at schools etc for the holiday times, but a) I'm not a huge fan of children (yes, I know I have 3, but that is different), and b) As selfish as it sounds to myself, I want something for me. I want some sort of career and I know that there is very much an upper limit to non-child jobs within schools.
So, last weekend my long suffering boyfriend helped me make a C.V. Well, I gave him answers whilst he made it. Apparently hormonal is not the best time to attempt such things.
I'm terrified in all honesty, I know I have skills, but I'm not entirely sure what they are, how I can show them to an employer, and how I am going to get used to working again. Plus I still don't know what I want to BE when I grow up. I'm fairly sure 8yr old me thought I would have a handle on that by now.
I have an appointment with the Job Centre on Monday, we will go over my C.V. and hopefully work out some sort of a plan. Or at least a pl... I'm thinking apply for agency work to start with to get me used to working again, and then go from there?
I have no idea if I am aiming to high with my wanting a career, I have no idea what I will end up doing, but I am going to give it a shot.
Obviously, I have made the first very important step... I bought Interview Shoes.
Next I shall make Interview Skirt. That's preparing... not procrastinating. So there.
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